Roselawn Blvd. – On-Street Parking Restrictions

Roselawn Blvd. – On-Street Parking Restrictions

In response to the number of fisherman parking on Roselawn Blvd during the spring walleye run, temporary “No Parking” signs are installed along the south and north side of Roselawn Blvd at the Island areas west of 410 and 411 Roselawn Blvd. The purpose of the temporary parking ban is to ensure a travel lane of sufficient width is open for emergency and residential use. Parking would be allowed on both sides of the street outside of the island areas due to the wider roadway width (36′ to Face of Curb). Due to the length of the walk, we are not proposing signage beyond the area described above.

Signage has been placed temporarily on Roselawn Blvd for the duration of the walleye run in March. Any future on-street parking restrictions will be reevaluated.


Sean J. Gehin, P.E.
Director of Public Works
Village of Allouez, WI
(920) 448-2802

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